THE DOWNLOAD: Judging Produce and Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Knowledge

Grocery delivery services might be the next battlefield between Amazon and traditional retailers, and Good Morning America turned to a Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis expert to judge the quality of the produce the services provided in a small test.

Elizabeth Mitcham, postharvest extension specialist in the Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis Department of Plant Sciences and director of the Horticulture Innovation Lab, shared her expertise in the above video. .

They really know their Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ history

A Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ150 tote bag, pin and t-shirt.
Sesquicentennial prizes given to a random selection of those who earned perfect scores on the Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ150 quiz. (Katherine Tam/Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅOP)

Earlier this year, the University of California continued its sesquicentennial celebration by challenging students, faculty and staff to test their knowledge of Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ history with a quiz featuring questions about each campus. Some questions were a cinch for most participants (which campus is known as the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement in the '60s?), while others stumped almost all comers (only 26 percent aced the question about the Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ system's connection to the World War I Food for Victory campaign).

Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ gathered all the names of people who scored 100 percent and selected 25 at random to receive the prizes shown above. Two of the winners are at Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis: Kelly Collins, an analyst in Health Information Management, Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis Health; and Nancy Louks, finance manager of the Arts Administrative Group on the Davis campus.


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